Julie Mitchell
Fantazee Farms Owner / Trainer
Julie grew up in Potomac, Maryland in the suburbs of Washington DC. She lived there for 24 years, taking riding lessons from the time that she was 8 years old, but did not own a horse until she was 21. Her mother would say she started riding at age four, but unfortunately no photos exist that far back.
Shady Oaks with Jazz - Intermediate Single Pony
As a teenager, Julie rode for other people as much as possible because her parents could not afford to keep a horse. As many who grow up in the same way know, this experience is invaluable for obtaining a good seat, since most people tend to give the naughty horses to ride. Throughout her childhood, Julie rode both hunters and jumpers but tended to prefer the hunters as she did not enjoy jumping over 3'6” or going super fast.
Julie received her first horse as a gift - a grey Thoroughbred gelding. For the first year of ownership, he was ridden bareback, because Julie couldn’t afford to purchase a saddle for him. She didn’t have an arena for her use either, so rode around the farm fields and pastures where he was boarded. During that year, Julie saved up for a saddle, but found it an awkward transition going from riding daily on a bareback pad once she made the purchase. Between the naughty horses and extended time spent using her seat and core to balance, her position became incredibly educated!
As an adult, Julie worked in the travel industry within Maryland, which afforded her the opportunity to give weekend lessons to children and adults. When Julie received an opportunity to work for an Arabian breeder in Tucson starting young horses and teaching dressage, she jumped at the chance and made the move - leaving her beloved Thoroughbred behind. During this time, she utilized that great seat she had developed over her childhood riding very fresh and athletic young horses.
Something stuck in her mind, though, in that she at this point had a young family but no health insurance. She made the tough choice of putting horse training and teaching on the back-burner to go back to full time work in the travel industry, where she could have access to those benefits. Unfortunately, after the 9/11 disaster, the travel office in which she worked shuttered its doors and Julie was left with making yet another career choice. Fortunately for Julie and her family, by this point her husband, Tom had the family covered through his work, and Julie had the joy of returning once again to riding and training full time, with her own facility.
Julie was always interested in driving, and having all the resources available to her, she became self-taught to drive single, and between reading books and watching video, she leveraged her deep expertise in training and produced several wonderful driving horses. She expanded her expertise and learned about combined driving - taking lessons with every clinician who happened to come through town. Arizona is a hot spot for high quality drivers, and Julie has been fortunate to have learned from the best. Today, Julie drives and teaches single, pair and tandem, and has even driven a 4-in-hand of ponies. She drives everything from Miniature Horses to drafts, and everything between!
Shady Oaks CDE with Star